How Is Turkish Coffee Made: A Step-by-Step Guide

Turkish Coffee

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Turkish coffee is a traditional Middle Eastern coffee that has been enjoyed for centuries. It originated in the Ottoman Empire and has since become an integral part of coffee culture in the region. As a result, it has been embraced by many cultures, including the Balkan countries and Greece.

The coffee is made using finely ground coffee beans that are boiled in a cezve, a small copper or brass pot. The coffee is usually served in small cups and is often accompanied by a sweet treat, like Turkish delight.

Turkish coffee is a beloved and important part of Middle Eastern and Balkan culture. Its rich history and tradition make it a unique and fascinating drink to experience.

Key Ingredients of Turkish Coffee

When it comes to making Turkish coffee, the ingredients are simple yet crucial. The quality of the ingredients can make or break the final taste, so it’s important to choose the right ones. Here are the main ingredients we need to make a perfect cup of Turkish coffee:

Ground Coffee

The first and most important ingredient is, of course, coffee. Turkish coffee is made from finely ground coffee beans, which are ground to a powder-like consistency. The coffee used for Turkish coffee is usually Arabica, which is known for its rich and full-bodied flavor.


Water is the second most important ingredient in Turkish coffee. It is recommended to use cold water, which is added to the coffee pot before heating it up. The amount of water used depends on the size of the coffee pot and the number of cups you want to make.


Sugar is optional, but many people prefer to add a small amount of sugar to their Turkish coffee. The sugar is added to the coffee pot along with the coffee and water.


Cardamom is a popular spice used in Turkish coffee, which adds a unique flavor and aroma to the coffee. It is usually added to the coffee pot along with the coffee and water.

Turkish Delight

Turkish delight, also known as lokum, is a popular sweet treat in Turkey. It is often served with Turkish coffee as a traditional accompaniment. Some people even add small pieces of Turkish delight to their coffee for an extra sweet and flavorful taste.


Milk is not traditionally added to Turkish coffee, but some people prefer to add a small amount of milk to their coffee. It is important to note that adding milk to Turkish coffee is not a traditional practice and may alter the taste and texture of the coffee.


Cinnamon is another spice that can be added to Turkish coffee for an extra flavor boost. It is usually added to the coffee pot along with the coffee and water.

Turkish coffee is made from finely ground coffee beans, water, and optional ingredients such as sugar, cardamom, Turkish delight, milk, and cinnamon. The quality of the ingredients used can greatly affect the final taste and aroma of the coffee.

Equipment Used in Preparation

To make a perfect cup of Turkish coffee, we need some essential equipment. Here are the items we typically use in the preparation process:

  • Cezve or Ibrik: This is a small, narrow-necked coffee pot made of copper or brass. It’s the most important piece of equipment in making Turkish coffee. The narrow neck of the cezve helps to create a thick foam on top of the coffee.
  • Coffee Cup: A small coffee cup is used to serve the coffee. It is typically made of porcelain or glass and is smaller than a regular coffee cup.
  • Stove: We use a gas or electric stove to heat the cezve. It’s important to use a low heat to prevent the coffee from boiling over.
  • Saucepan: If you don’t have a cezve, a small saucepan can be used instead. However, it’s important to use a saucepan with a narrow neck to create a thick foam on top of the coffee.
  • Turkish Coffee Set: A Turkish coffee set typically includes a cezve, coffee cups, and a tray. It’s a convenient way to have all the necessary equipment in one place.
  • Demitasse Spoon: A small spoon is used to stir the coffee and sugar while it’s being prepared.
  • Water: We use cold water to make Turkish coffee. It’s important to measure the water accurately to ensure the perfect cup of coffee.

The equipment used in preparing Turkish coffee is simple and straightforward. All we need is a cezve or saucepan, a coffee cup, a stove, and a demitasse spoon. A Turkish coffee set can be used for convenience, but it’s not necessary. The key is to use the right equipment and follow the proper steps to make the perfect cup of Turkish coffee.

Making Turkish Coffee

When making Turkish coffee, we need to start with a fine grind of coffee beans. We can either buy pre-ground coffee or grind our own beans at home. The grind should be very fine, almost like a powder, to ensure that the coffee brews properly.

Next, we need to prepare the coffee pot or cezve. We can use any size cezve, depending on how much coffee we want to make. We should add one teaspoon of coffee per cup of water to the cezve. If we like our coffee sweetened, we can add sugar to the cezve as well.

After adding the coffee and sugar (if desired), we should pour cold water into the cezve. The water should be cold, as this will help to create a froth on the top of the coffee. We should also place a glass of water nearby, as we will need it later.

Next, we should place the cezve on a stovetop and turn the heat to low. We should stir the coffee occasionally until it starts to foam. Once the foam reaches the top of the cezve, we should remove it from the heat and let it settle for a few seconds.

We should then return the cezve to the heat and wait for the foam to rise again. We should repeat this process three times, making sure not to let the coffee boil over.

Once the coffee has been brewed, we should pour it into a cup, making sure to leave the grounds behind. We can then enjoy our Turkish coffee with a glass of water on the side.

Turkish coffee is a unique and delicious way to enjoy coffee. With the right preparation and technique, we can create a rich, frothy cup of coffee that is perfect for any time of day.

Variations and Additions

When it comes to Turkish coffee, there are many variations and additions that can be made to suit individual tastes and preferences. Here are some popular options:

  • Sweetened: While traditional Turkish coffee is unsweetened, some people prefer to add sugar or honey to their brew.
  • Spiced: Cinnamon is a popular addition to Turkish coffee, giving it a warm and fragrant flavor. Other spices, such as cardamom or nutmeg, can also be used.
  • Mastic: Mastic is a resinous substance that is traditionally added to Turkish coffee in Greece and other Mediterranean countries. It gives the coffee a unique flavor and aroma.
  • Yemeni Style: In Yemen, coffee is often brewed with a mixture of spices such as ginger, cardamom, and cloves. This style of coffee can be enjoyed with or without milk.
  • Tasseography: Tasseography, or fortune-telling with coffee grounds, is a popular practice in Turkey and other parts of the Middle East. After drinking the coffee, the remaining grounds are swirled around the cup and interpreted to reveal the drinker’s future.
  • Greek Style: Greek coffee is similar to Turkish coffee, but is brewed in a briki, a small copper or brass pot. The coffee is typically served unsweetened but can be flavored with cinnamon or other spices.

No matter how you choose to enjoy your Turkish coffee, the key is to use finely ground coffee and a traditional cezve or ibrik pot. With a little practice, you’ll be able to brew a perfect shot of this rich and flavorful coffee every time.

Serving and Consumption

When it comes to serving Turkish coffee, it is traditionally served in a small cup called a “fincan”. The fincan is typically made of porcelain and is smaller than an espresso cup. It is important to note that the coffee grounds will settle at the bottom of the cup, so it is important to avoid stirring the coffee once it has been poured.

In terms of consumption, Turkish coffee is known for its strong taste and texture. The coffee is typically consumed slowly, allowing the drinker to savor the flavors and aromas. The texture of Turkish coffee is often described as thick and velvety, with a slightly grainy feel due to the fine coffee grounds.

In terms of caffeine content, Turkish coffee is known for its high caffeine content compared to other coffee brewing methods. However, it is important to note that the amount of caffeine can vary depending on factors such as the type of coffee beans used and the brewing process.

When it comes to calories, Turkish coffee is a low-calorie beverage. However, it is often served with sweet treats such as baklava, which can add calories to the overall consumption.

Turkish coffee is not just a beverage, but a cultural experience. The process of making and serving Turkish coffee is steeped in tradition and is often seen as a symbol of hospitality.

Health Benefits and Risks

Turkish coffee has been enjoyed for centuries for its rich flavor and unique preparation method. In addition to its taste, Turkish coffee has been associated with several potential health benefits.

One of the most well-known benefits of coffee in general is its caffeine content. Turkish coffee is highly caffeinated, which can provide a boost of energy and improve mental alertness. However, it is important to note that excessive caffeine consumption can lead to negative side effects such as anxiety, insomnia, and heart palpitations.

In addition to caffeine, Turkish coffee contains antioxidants that can help protect against cell damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. It is also a good source of potassium and magnesium, which are important for maintaining healthy blood pressure and cardiovascular function.

While Turkish coffee may have some potential health benefits, it is important to consider any potential risks as well. Middle Eastern-style coffee is traditionally brewed with sugar, which can contribute to weight gain and increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Additionally, some studies have suggested that excessive coffee consumption may be linked to an increased risk of depression.

Comparisons with Other Coffees

Turkish coffee is a unique type of coffee that differs from other popular coffee drinks in several ways. In this section, we will compare Turkish coffee with other types of coffee to better understand its characteristics.

Coffee Beans

Turkish coffee is traditionally made with Arabica beans, which are known for their aromatic and fruity flavor. This is in contrast to regular coffee, which is usually made with a blend of Arabica and Robusta beans. Espresso, on the other hand, is made with finely ground dark roasted beans, which results in a strong and bitter flavor.

Grind Size

Turkish coffee is ground into a very fine powder, much finer than espresso. This fine grind allows for a stronger extraction of flavor and aroma. In contrast, drip coffee is made with a coarser grind size to allow for slower extraction and a milder taste.

Preparation Method

Turkish coffee is prepared by boiling finely ground coffee beans in a pot called a cezve. The coffee is not filtered, which results in a thick and rich texture. This is in contrast to drip coffee, which is filtered to remove the coffee grounds.


Turkish coffee has a unique taste that is different from other types of coffee. It has a strong and bold flavor with a thick and creamy texture. This is in contrast to regular coffee, which has a milder taste and a thinner texture. Espresso, on the other hand, has a strong and bitter taste with a thin and creamy texture.


Turkish coffee is not as widely available as other types of coffee, but it can be found in specialty coffee shops and online retailers. In contrast, regular coffee and espresso can be found in most coffee shops and grocery stores. Arabica coffee, which is used to make Turkish coffee, is widely available and can be found in most coffee shops and grocery stores. Amazon is a popular online retailer that sells a variety of coffee beans, including Arabica beans for making Turkish coffee.

Buying Turkish Coffee

When it comes to buying Turkish coffee, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure you get the best quality product. One of the most well-known and respected brands of Turkish coffee is Mehmet Efendi. This brand has been around since 1871 and is known for its high-quality beans and traditional roasting methods.

If you’re looking to purchase Mehmet Efendi Turkish coffee, you can find it at many specialty food stores or online retailers such as Amazon. Another option for purchasing Turkish coffee is directly from the source, Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi. This company is the original producer of the Mehmet Efendi brand and has been in operation since 1871. They offer a wide variety of Turkish coffee blends and roasts, and you can purchase their products online or in their Istanbul store.

When buying Turkish coffee, it’s important to pay attention to the grind size. Turkish coffee is typically ground very finely, almost to the consistency of powdered sugar. This fine grind is essential for brewing Turkish coffee properly and achieving the characteristic foam on top.

Whether you choose to purchase from a specialty store, online retailer, or directly from the source, read the reviews – the good and the bad – to ensure you’re getting a genuine product.

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