50 Types of Good Coffee: The Ultimate Guide

A cup in a sack filled with coffee beans

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The popularity of coffee is undeniable. It is a staple of many people’s day, and it has been around since centuries ago. Nowadays, there are so many different types of coffee that it is difficult to keep up.

You’ll learn about 50 coffee types and their definitions in this guide so you’ll understand what makes them special and why they’re some of the best.

Ultimate Good Coffee Guide

50 Types of Good Coffee

  1. Espresso – a concentrated coffee made by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans under high pressure.
  2. Americano – a coffee made by diluting an espresso shot with hot water.
  3. Cappuccino – Italian Coffee made with equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foam.
  4. Latte – a coffee made with espresso and steamed milk, topped with a small amount of foam.
  5. Mocha – a latte with chocolate syrup or powder added.
  6. Macchiato – an espresso with a small amount of steamed milk added.
  7. French Press – a coffee maker that uses a plunger to press hot water through coarsely ground coffee beans.
  8. Pour Over – a manual brewing method where hot water is poured over coffee grounds in a filter.
  9. Cold Brew – Coffee is made by steeping coarsely ground beans in cold water for an extended period.
  10. Drip – a coffee maker that brews Coffee by dripping hot water over coffee grounds.
  11. Siphon – a coffee brewing method where vapor pressure and vacuum drive water through coffee grounds.
  12. Moka Pot – an Italian coffee maker that brews Coffee by passing boiling water pressurized by steam through ground coffee.
  13. AeroPress – a manual coffee maker that uses air pressure to rapidly brew Coffee.
  14. Chemex – a pour-over coffee maker with a unique hourglass shape and thick filter.
  15. Hario V60 – a pour-over coffee maker with a cone shape and thin filter.
  16. Kalita Wave – a pour-over coffee maker with a flat bottom and light filter.
  17. Clever Dripper – a manual coffee maker that combines pour-over and immersion brewing methods.
  18. Syphon – a coffee brewing method that uses vapor pressure and vacuum to brew Coffee.
  19. Turk-Pot – A traditional Middle Eastern and Mediterranean coffee pot for brewing Coffee.
  20. Iced Coffee – a coffee drink made by brewing hot Coffee and then chilling it.
  21. Nitro Cold Brew – Cold brew coffee infused with Nitrogen gas to create a creamy, smooth texture.
  22. Turkish Coffee – a traditional method of brewing Coffee by boiling finely ground coffee beans in a pot.
  23. Greek Coffee – a standard way of brewing Coffee using a briki, a small pot with a long handle.
  24. Vietnamese Coffee – a strong coffee made with sweetened condensed milk and brewed through a small metal filter.
  25. Cuban Coffee – a strong and sweet coffee made using a small espresso pot called a cafetera.
  26. Coffee Tonic – a drink made by mixing tonic water and cold brew coffee.
  27. Irish Coffee – a coffee cocktail made with whiskey, Coffee, and whipped cream.
  28. Affogato – a dessert coffee made with espresso poured over gelato or ice cream.
  29. Coffee Soda – a carbonated coffee drink made by mixing cold brew coffee and soda water.
  30. Coffee Liqueur – a coffee-flavored liquor made by steeping coffee beans in alcohol.
  31. Coffee Beer – a beer made by adding coffee beans to the brewing process or mixing beer and Coffee after brewing.
  32. Coffee Cider – a drink made by mixing cold brew coffee and cider.
  33. Coffee Milk – a milk-based coffee drink made by mixing milk and Coffee.
  34. Coffee Butter – a spread made by mixing butter and coffee grounds.
  35. Coffee Kombucha – a fermented drink made by combining kombucha and cold brew coffee.
  36. Coffee Smoothie – a smoothie made with Coffee, milk, and other ingredients such as fruit and yogurt.
  37. Coffee Martini – is a cocktail mixing vodka, coffee liqueur, and espresso.
  38. Coffee Cocktail – a cocktail made with Coffee as an ingredient, such as the White Russian, is made with vodka, coffee liqueur, and cream.
  39. Coffee Jello – a dessert made by mixing Coffee, sugar, and gelatin.
  40. Coffee Granita – a frozen dessert made by freezing a mixture of Coffee, sugar, and other ingredients and then scraping it to create a coarse, ice-like texture.
  41. Coffee Shrub – a drink that combines cold brew coffee, vinegar, and sugar.
  42. Coffee Syrup – a sweet syrup made by dissolving sugar in Coffee and can be added to various drinks like lattes or milkshakes
  43. Coffee Concentrate – a highly concentrated, syrupy form of Coffee that can be diluted with water or milk to make a regular cup of Coffee
  44. Coffee Ice Cream – a frozen dessert made with Coffee as a main ingredient
  45. Coffee Cake – a cake made with Coffee as a flavoring or ingredient
  46. Coffee Jelly – a sweet jelly made with Coffee as an ingredient
  47. Coffee Cheese – a cheese made with Coffee as an ingredient
  48. Coffee Marmalade – a sweet spread made with Coffee and citrus
  49. Coffee Julep – a cocktail made with coffee, sugar, and mint leaves
  50. Coffee Bitters – a bittering agent made by infusing alcohol with Coffee and other botanicals and used to flavor cocktails.

Classic Methods


Definition: Espresso is a concentrated coffee made by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans under high pressure.

Characteristics: Espresso is typically strong, rich, and has a slightly bitter taste. It has a thick, syrupy consistency and a creamy, golden-brown foam on top called “crema.”

Equipment needed: An espresso machine, a grinder for the coffee beans, and a tamper to compress the coffee grounds in the machine’s filter basket. Some other accessories that may be needed are milk frother for making lattes and cappuccinos.


Definition: Americano is a type of Coffee made by diluting an espresso shot with hot water.

Characteristics: Americano has a similar flavor profile to regular drip coffee, with a slightly more intense flavor and less acidity than a traditional cup of Coffee. It is typically less severe than espresso and has a more mild taste. It has a thinner consistency than espresso and is less creamy.

Equipment needed: An espresso machine and a separate container for hot water. Some other accessories that may be required are a grinder for the coffee beans, a tamper to compress the coffee grounds in the machine’s filter basket, and a cup for serving. Some coffee shops may also use a pour-over method or a drip coffee maker to brew Americano.


Definition: Cappuccino is an Italian coffee made with equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foam.

Characteristics: Cappuccino is a creamy, frothy coffee with a balance of solid espresso flavor and rich, steamed milk. The foam on top is typically thick and glossy and may be dusted with cocoa or cinnamon powder. The final product should have a velvety texture and a nice balance between the Coffee and the milk.

Equipment needed: An espresso machine, a milk frother, and a grinder for the coffee beans. Some other accessories that may be necessary are a tamper to compress the coffee grounds in the machine’s filter basket and a cup for serving. A thermometer is also needed to ensure the milk is heated to the correct temperature.


Definition: Latte is a coffee made with espresso and steamed milk, topped with a small amount of foam.

Characteristics: Latte is a creamy, smooth coffee that is less strong than an espresso but has a more intense flavor than a regular cup of Coffee. The steamed milk gives it a velvety texture and a slightly sweet taste, while the foam adds a touch of richness and a slightly bitter taste. Lattes are typically served in a tall glass with generous foam.

Equipment needed: An espresso machine, a milk frother, and a grinder for the coffee beans. Some other accessories that may be required are a tamper to compress the coffee grounds in the machine’s filter basket and a cup for serving. A thermometer is also needed to ensure the milk is heated to the correct temperature.


Definition: Mocha is a latte with chocolate syrup or powder added.

Characteristics: Mocha is a coffee with a rich chocolate flavor balanced by creamy, steamed milk. The espresso provides a slightly bitter taste that complements the sweetness of the chocolate. Mocha is typically served in a tall glass and is topped with whipped cream or chocolate shavings.

Equipment needed: An espresso machine, a milk frother, chocolate syrup or powder, and a grinder for the coffee beans. Some other accessories that may be required are a tamper to compress the coffee grounds in the machine’s filter basket and a cup for serving. A thermometer is also needed to ensure the milk is heated to the correct temperature. A whipped cream dispenser and chocolate shaver may be used for presentation.

Modern Methods

Cold Brew

Definition: Cold Brew is Coffee made by steeping coarsely ground beans in cold water for an extended period.

Characteristics: Cold Brew has a smooth and less acidic taste than traditional iced Coffee, which is made by brewing hot Coffee and then chilling it. The cold brewing process brings out the natural sweetness in the coffee beans and results in a less bitter taste. It also tends to be stronger than regular iced Coffee. Cold brew is typically served over ice or mixed with milk or water.

Equipment needed: A container, such as a pitcher or French press, to steep the coffee grounds in cold water, a filter, such as a paper or metal filter, to strain the grounds from the liquid; and a grinder for the coffee beans. Some other accessories that may be needed are a thermometer to ensure that the water is at the correct temperature, a pitcher or bottle for storing the finished cold brew, and a cup for serving.

Nitro Cold Brew

Definition: Nitro Cold Brew is a cold brew coffee infused with Nitrogen gas to create a creamy, smooth texture.

Characteristics: Nitro Cold Brew has a similar taste profile to regular cold brew but has a creamier, smoother texture and a more velvety foam on top. Nitrogen gas also gives it a sweeter taste with a hint of chocolate and a more refreshing sensation when drinking. Nitro Cold Brew is typically served on tap and poured into a glass, much like a Guinness beer.

Equipment needed: A container, such as a keg, to steep the coffee grounds in cold water, a filter, such as a paper or metal filter, to strain the grounds from the liquid; a Nitrogen gas canister; and a grinder for the coffee beans. Some other accessories that may be needed are a thermometer to ensure that the water is at the correct temperature, a tap or a dispenser, and a glass for serving.

Pour Over

Definition: Pour Over is a manual brewing method where hot water is poured over coffee grounds in a filter.

Characteristics: Pour-over brewing allows for more control over the brewing process, resulting in a cleaner taste with a more robust aroma and a brighter acidity than traditional drip coffee. The Coffee produced is usually more complex and nuanced, with a higher clarity of the individual flavors of the Coffee. Pour-over is typically brewed slower than automatic drip, allowing for a more controlled extraction of the Coffee.

Equipment needed: A pour-over cone or Dripper, a filter, such as paper or metal, a kettle or a pitcher to pour hot water, a grinder for the coffee beans, and a cup or carafe for serving. Some other accessories that may be needed are a thermometer to ensure that the water is at the correct temperature, a timer, and a scale to measure the coffee grounds and water.


Definition: AeroPress is a manual coffee maker that rapidly brews air-pressure coffee.

Characteristics: The AeroPress produces a clean, smooth, and rich coffee with low acidity; it also allows for greater control over the brewing process, resulting in a coffee with a unique taste profile, with a more intense aroma and a brighter acidity than traditional drip coffee. The Coffee produced is usually more complex and nuanced, with a higher clarity of the individual flavors of the Coffee.

Equipment needed: The AeroPress coffee maker, filters, a kettle or a pitcher to pour hot water, a grinder for the coffee beans, and a cup or carafe for serving. Some other accessories that may be needed are a thermometer to ensure that the water is at the correct temperature, a timer, and a scale to measure the coffee grounds and water.


Definition: Siphon, also known as vacuum coffee, is a manual brewing method where water is heated in a lower chamber, creating a vacuum that forces the water into an upper room where it comes into contact with the coffee grounds. The brewed Coffee is then filtered back down into the lower chamber.

Characteristics: Siphon brewing results in a clean, clear, and balanced cup of Coffee with high clarity of flavors and a clean finish. The brewing process is precise and allows for excellent control over brewing time, temperature, and agitation. The Coffee produced has a unique taste profile with a higher clarity of the individual flavors of the Coffee.

Equipment needed: A Siphon brewer, a heat source, such as a gas or alcohol burner, filters, a grinder for the coffee beans, and a cup or carafe for serving. Some other accessories that may be needed are a thermometer to ensure that the water is at the correct temperature, a timer, and a scale to measure the coffee grounds and water.

International Methods

Turkish Coffee

Definition: Turkish Coffee is a traditional method of brewing coffee from the Middle East. Finely ground coffee beans are simmered in a “cezve” pot with water and sugar.

Characteristics: Turkish Coffee is known for its robust, rich flavor and thick, velvety consistency. It is typically brewed with a higher ratio of coffee to water than other brewing methods and is served in small cups. It is usually done with a thick layer of foam on top called “kaimaki.” The coffee grounds settle to the bottom of the cup, so it is traditionally consumed without straining the feet.

Equipment needed: A “cezve” or “ibrik” (a small, narrow-necked pot), a heat source such as a stove, a grinder for the coffee beans, and small cups for serving. Some other accessories that may be needed are a spoon for stirring, a scale to measure the coffee grounds and water, and a thermometer to ensure that the water is at the correct temperature.

Greek Coffee

Definition: Greek Coffee is a traditional method of brewing Coffee that is similar to Turkish Coffee. Finely ground coffee beans are simmered in a briki pot with water and sugar.

Characteristics: Greek Coffee has a strong and rich flavor with a thick, velvety consistency. It is also typically brewed with a higher ratio of Coffee to water than other brewing methods and is usually served in small cups. It is served with a thick layer of foam on top called “kaimaki.” The coffee grounds settle to the bottom of the cup, so it is traditionally consumed without straining the grounds.

Equipment needed: A briki, a heat source such as a stove, a grinder for the coffee beans, and small cups for serving. Some other accessories that may be needed are a spoon for stirring, a scale to measure the coffee grounds and water, and a thermometer to ensure that the water is at the correct temperature.

Vietnamese Coffee

Definition: Vietnamese Coffee is a traditional brewing method made by adding sweetened condensed milk to a strong, dark coffee.

Characteristics: Vietnamese Coffee is known for its strong, rich, sweet flavor, combining dark roasted beans and sweetened condensed milk. The texture of the Coffee is thick and creamy, and it is typically served over ice. The Coffee is brewed using a phin, a small, simple coffee filter.

Equipment needed: A phin filter, a heat source such as a stove or a portable burner, a grinder for the coffee beans, sweetened condensed milk, a cup or glass for serving, and ice. Some other accessories that may be needed are a spoon for stirring, a scale to measure the coffee grounds and water, and a thermometer to ensure that the water is at the correct temperature.

Cuban Coffee

Definition: Cuban Coffee is a traditional method of brewing coffee made by adding sugar to a strong, dark coffee, usually an espresso.

Characteristics: Cuban Coffee is known for its strong, rich, and sweet flavor due to the high ratio of Coffee to water used and the added sugar. The texture of the Coffee is thick and creamy, and it is typically served in small cups. The Coffee is traditionally brewed using a cafetera or a Moka pot.

Equipment needed: A cafetera or Moka pot, a heat source such as a stove, a grinder for the coffee beans and sugar, and a cup or glass for serving. Some other accessories that may be needed are a spoon for stirring, a scale to measure the coffee grounds and water, and a thermometer to ensure that the water is at the correct temperature.

Specialty Methods

Coffee Tonic

Definition: A coffee Tonic is a drink made by mixing cold brew coffee with tonic water and sometimes other ingredients such as syrup or fruit.

Characteristics: Coffee Tonic combines the smooth and less acidic taste of cold brew coffee with the slight bitterness and carbonation of tonic water. The result is a refreshing and unusual drink that balances flavors, sweetness, and bubbles. The additional ingredients can give different variations of flavors to the glass.

Equipment needed: To make cold brew coffee, tonic water, a glass for serving, and other ingredients such as syrup or fruit. Some other accessories that may be needed are a measuring cup or spoon, a spoon for stirring, a shaker, or a blender to mix the ingredients if needed.

Irish Coffee

Definition: Irish Coffee is a cocktail made by adding Irish whiskey, sugar, and whipped cream to hot Coffee.

Characteristics: Irish Coffee is known for its warm, comforting, and soothing taste, with the perfect balance of sweetness, Coffee, and whiskey. The whipped cream adds a creamy texture and a touch of richness to the drink. It is typically served in a glass or a mug and consumed as a dessert or after-dinner beverage.

Equipment needed: A heat source such as a stove or a coffee maker, coffee beans, Irish whiskey, sugar, whipped cream, a glass or mug for serving, and a grinder for the coffee beans. Some other accessories that may be needed are a measuring cup or spoon, a spoon for stirring, a thermometer to ensure that the Coffee is at the correct temperature, and a whipped cream dispenser.


Definition: Affogato is an Italian dessert made by pouring a shot of hot espresso over a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Characteristics: Affogato contrasts hot and cold with the rich and slightly bitter taste of espresso, balancing out the sweetness of the ice cream. The espresso melts the ice cream slightly, creating a unique flavor and creamy texture. It is typically served in a glass or a cup and consumed as a dessert.

Equipment needed: An espresso machine, vanilla ice cream, a glass or cup for serving, and a grinder for the coffee beans. Some other accessories that may be needed are a thermometer to ensure that the Coffee is at the correct temperature and a spoon for serving.

Coffee Soda

Definition: Coffee Soda is a drink made by mixing cold brew coffee with soda water and sometimes other ingredients such as syrup or fruit.

Characteristics: Coffee Soda has a unique combination of the smooth and less acidic taste of cold brew coffee with the carbonation and subtle sweetness of soda water. The result is a refreshing and unusual drink that balances flavors, sweetness, and bubbles. The additional ingredients can give different variations of flavors to the glass.

Equipment needed: Equipment needed to make cold brew coffee, soda water, a glass for serving, and other ingredients such as syrup or fruit. Some other accessories that may be needed are a measuring cup or spoon, a spoon for stirring, a shaker, or a blender to mix the ingredients if needed.


It is important to remember that there are many different methods of brewing coffee, each with its own unique flavor profile and characteristics. There are a wide variety of brew methods available, from classic drip coffee to more complicated methods like Siphon and Turkish Coffee. There are several ways to brew coffee, some of which are known for their robust, bold flavor, while others, such as cold brew and pour-over, are known for their smooth, less acidic flavor.

In order to find the perfect cup of coffee, it is recommended to experiment with different brewing methods and different coffee beans. Each method requires unique equipment and brewing processes, so understanding the differences is crucial.

There are many resources available for further learning and exploration, such as books, online tutorials, and classes offered by local coffee shops and roasters. Additionally, tasting different coffee beans and origins can have a profound impact on the final cup.

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